Saturday, September 24, 2011

Okay, I'm Really Bored

I definitely need to post something. I haven't posted something in three days. So yes, I exist. I'm thinking about stuff. Because my life stinks at the moment. Nah, I'm kidding. My life never stinks. Oh, wait. Yes it does. Sometimes, rarely.

I have a word of advice for you, just in case you decide to ever do this, NEVER EVER EVER eat salt right out of the box. My lips feel like rubber. Wrinkly rubber. And my mouth tingles. And I'm thirsty. Wait, wait... I had a title. Never mind, I lost it.

I like yard sales. I really really like yard sales. I mean, you can get all this useless crap that no one ever wants anymore. Sometimes you get something good like, -OOH! OOH! TODAY! I GOT STUFF TODAY! YES! I got a beret! Like, those french hat thingies! I got a purple one, and a red one. And they were like, a buck a piece. And when I put one on, it had a lases tag on it so I knew it had never been worn before, and the tag said FOURTEEN BUCKS! SO, I LIKE, GOT TWENTY EIGHT BUCKS WORTH OF STUFF FOR TWO DOLLARS.
      And then there was that day where I bought the harmonica. The 64 Hohner Chromonica. Suggested Retail: $150.00. I BOUGHT IT FOR THREE DOLLARS!! See, I love yard sales. They are the greatest things in America. Or Canada. Wherever you live.

McDonald's is gross.

I stink at violin.

I can't play sports.

I draw comics.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? Okay, tomorrow, I PROMISE to have a better story. Because now my brain is dead. Blah.


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