Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Evolution Is Like...

Evolution. It's like, an art gallery with no artist names or credits. If you saw a painting with no name, you would ask...
     " Who did this?"
How shocking would it be if someone said, "It just happened."

So, here's a little conversation.
     *Man sees beautiful painting with no artist's name. He asks a staff member:* "Who did this beautiful work of art?"
     Staff: "Oh, no one. It just happened."
     Man: "That's impossible! Look at the detail! The strokes!"
     Staff: "The paint just fell on the canvas like that."
     Man: "Well, who threw the paint?"
     Staff: "No one. The paint and canvas appeared out of nowhere."
This. This is what evolution is. The detail of the world... From the little cells, molecules, dust, germs, everything that holds us together, our liver, our heart, our lungs, the process of breathing, how our blood carries the oxygen to the heart... The plants. The animals. Plant cells. The sky. Microscopic images. Everything. The earth's rotation around the sun, the perfect placement... The world is perfect in design. Find one fault. One unnecessary thing. Surely there is one problem, one tiny thing that went wrong. I mean, if you toss a bucket or legos in the air they aren't going to all fall into one perfect little castle. So, I don't see how evolutionists can look through a microscope and see a cell, and believe it just came to be. Just came to know just what to do, what to let in and what to not. How can they not have any doubt? It makes me laugh, of their sheer stupidity. This didn't all happen in chance, it all came perfect for survival, an ideal design for us. Just for us. From the air we breathe, the energy and heat we maintain, our knowledge... It had to have an intelligent creator. You can't throw clay in the air and expect Michelangelo's David to fall into place.

What about our bodies? If evolution was true, surely there would be some thing that branched out of cells that we don't need. Remove one thing from us and life is instantly more difficult. Look at our "prototypes." They have all sorts of weird things that the animal didn't need. No. It didn't all just happen.
Evolution. Is. A. Hilarious. Theory.

Aka, evolutionists are kicking themselves in the foot.

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